Do you need quick & easy printables for your Bible study class, home schooling, or personal study time? We're happy to help you with that!
There's an online library of free educational and hobby PDF printables waiting for you right now. Simply sign up for your password to access everything and download dozens of useful resources today.
Scripture Memory CardsOur free printable PDF scripture memory cards are an easy-to-carry 2.5 x 3 inch size. Each set includes NIV, ESV, and KJV Bible verse translations. Choose your favorite version to use as you memorize Bible verses on a variety of topics.
Bible Journaling PagesAll our free printable PDF Bible journaling pages are a standard letter size 8.5 x 11 inch size - great for adding to a binder or carrying with you. There are a variety of journal pages for daily study, Bible verse memory, prayer journaling, and biblical history & cultural study.
Bible Verse Bookmarks If you are ever at a loss for what to read next in the Bible, our free printable PDF Bible reading lists can help you get started. Carry the Bible reading bookmarks with your journal to guide you along in your daily walk with the Lord.
Bible Study & Prayer BooksOur study books make ideal companions to our free printable downloads. With over 100 journals to choose from, there's one waiting just for you.
Convinced now that we can help you out?
We certainly hope so! We don't like to get all up in your business about it so we're just going to leave another little clicky button for you below (hint, hint):
Fab facts about our freebies:
How do I get those freebies you speak of? Huh?
Simply sign up for our free Christian resource library. No cost to you & no strings attached. After opting in, we'll send you our super secret password via email & "Voila!" - log in to our totally free Christian library resource page & download what you want to use. We do keep your email address handy and will occasionally send you updates via email on any new freebies posted, journal sales & new title releases, and other eventful happenings at our growing new company, 123 Journal It Publishing.
What are "the" freebies in that library of yours?
The short answer: High quality PDF files for you to download and print at home.
The long(er) answer: A free gift to you to help you in your daily walk with the Lord. We believe in sharing the love of Jesus and in helping you hide God's word in your heart. Our totally free Christian resource library includes scripture memory cards for practice & encouragement, printable Bible journaling pages, Bible study prompts & reading lists, and whatever else strikes our fancy as we come up with new things regularly just for you.
The long(er) answer: A free gift to you to help you in your daily walk with the Lord. We believe in sharing the love of Jesus and in helping you hide God's word in your heart. Our totally free Christian resource library includes scripture memory cards for practice & encouragement, printable Bible journaling pages, Bible study prompts & reading lists, and whatever else strikes our fancy as we come up with new things regularly just for you.
What's the catch here? Hmmm?
No catch. We just ask that you only use our totally free printable files for personal and educational purposes - no commercial-use, sharing, or resale. It is that simple.
Can you make something for me? Pretty please?
Are you not finding something you really need to study God's word? Submit an idea for our free library. We will add new PDF files regularly and you may just find your suggestion pop up as a printable on our library resource page :-)
Are any of your sweet Bible study & prayer journals included as freebies?
The short answer: Nope. (We know, it makes us sad too. *passing the tissue*)
The long(er) answer: While we'd love to just give it all away (we love a good freebie too!), we need to pay that electric bill to keep those keys clicking on our laptop to bring you all this fab totally free stuff. Our sweet Bible study & prayer journals are only available in printed format - and, might I add, make excellent companions to any of our freebies! We would sincerely appreciate you checking them out and picking up one or two (or a dozen, who's counting really?) to help keep our laptop keys clicking away ...oh, yeah, and our lights on too, that's a nice perk ;-)
The long(er) answer: While we'd love to just give it all away (we love a good freebie too!), we need to pay that electric bill to keep those keys clicking on our laptop to bring you all this fab totally free stuff. Our sweet Bible study & prayer journals are only available in printed format - and, might I add, make excellent companions to any of our freebies! We would sincerely appreciate you checking them out and picking up one or two (or a dozen, who's counting really?) to help keep our laptop keys clicking away ...oh, yeah, and our lights on too, that's a nice perk ;-)
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